Let’s design the
future together

We turn ideas into realities with our custom web application solutions. With our strategic
web application design and execution, we make your custom flow a reality on the web.

  • Let’s design the future together

    We turn ideas into realities with our custom web application solutions. With our strategic web application design and execution, we make your custom flow a reality on the web.

  • Let’s design the future together

    We turn ideas into realities with our custom web application solutions. With our strategic web application design and execution, we make your custom flow a reality on the web.

Lets get automating,

the way You want it

Needs Assessment

When it comes to Web Application Development, we have you covered from the get-go. Our extensive requirements gathering process explores your vision and objectives for a customized strategy guaranteed to succeed.


Our brainstorming phase is designed to bring synergy to all processes. With extensive one-on-one communication with the client, this stage involves a two-way thorough flow of creative ideas and goals.

Scope Documentation

For effortless design and execution, this stage takes into account all the technicalities; from the timeline for each task, the budget allocated to activities, competitor analysis and ultimately the creation of a solid strategy.

Database Designing

A web application, like all tech, needs a strong foundation. Since no web application does well without a solid database, in this phase our database architects create the best relational/non-relational schema for optimal functionality.


Notorious about efficiency and effectiveness, our wireframing phase brings all envisioned features and plans to digital life. This prototype provides insight to the actual web application, paving the way for UX/UI.


Committed to providing the very best, our UX/UI stage focuses on creating a visual demonstration for our clients, providing a glimpse of the envisioned, cutting edge web application through pictures.

Static Screens

A testament to our robust construction techniques and high tech designs, our static screens bring our collective vision to life with a static layout that can be browsed and experienced as a taste of what’s to come.


Bringing your approved interface to life with full vigor and impact, our engineers carry out detailed server-side programming in this step, providing your application with the functionalities of your dreams.

Quality Assurance

Our ultimate destination is excellence and quality assurance is a major part of that. Ensuring all features and processes are top notch, we leave behind the possibility of defects.


Before launching, web applications go through the pre-launch phase; dedicated to rigorous testing, checking search engine readiness, security preparation and whether or not it passes an elaborate checklist of 80 items.


The launch phase is where all your tech-dreams are brought to living, breathing, reality. The product of diligent planning and sophisticated engineering, your website application is out there for the world to experience.


As your partners in success, our partnership doesn’t end with the application going life. With our 60 day free support, the website application is scrutinized for a long period of time referred to as the post-launch with paid addons of other services if required.

Begin your journey with Wolfiz today

At Wolfiz we help you start your chapter on the web with creative and curated web apps. In the world of tech, your web apps speak for your business. We make sure yours doesn’t just speak, it makes a statement.

What Our Clients Say

What Our Clients Say